Saturday, February 9, 2008

CCW In Action

People think that people should not be allowed to carry guns on them. Politicians want to make it harder to obtain a gun, and some want to complete amend our 2nd Amendment, which is the freedom to bear arms. These videos might say otherwise:

Guns are hard enough to obtain legally. If we ban the 2nd amendment, it does not mean the bad guys out there cannot find some way to obtain an illegal firearm.
People might view firearm carrying people as a menace. Someone who will cause trouble. But if your held up by someone with a gun, trying to rob you or worse, won't you be glad if you or someone else has the ability to fight back? People with CCW Permits go through various background checks, and tests in order to obtain their permits. These people are usually intelligent, law-abiding, and mentally stable. The 2nd amendment and CCW is our true homeland security. Maybe not protecting our borders, but to make our homes, family and friends that much safer.

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